USA: Earn $5500* Extra Income with Steady App

Steady App to Earn Additional Income

With inflation so high, living paycheck to paycheck is not a far-fetched reality for the people in the United States of America. A situation that can be very stressful, because if anything happens to that money at any time, you will be in serious trouble. This article provides tips on how to increase or earn extra income so that you have a little more money which you may need when unexpected financial trouble takes place.

Use Steady App to Increase Income

This can be achieved thanks to the help of an application called Steady, which helps you increase your income up to an average of $5,500 dollars a year. Not only does it give you some options so you can find a side job and earn extra money, it also teaches you how to maximize the money you earn from any job you do.

How this Income Booster App Works

In order for it to start helping you, all you have to do is answer some very simple questions about your skills and the experience you have had on the job level.

You download the app (Visit their website: and set up your job profile, then Steady starts to act. It will guide you to certain side jobs, it will give you tips on how to get certain cash rewards according to the data you provided, it will also guide you on how to get certain emergency cash grants, among other things.

It will give you realistic expectations of how much money you can earn and how often. It will also help you get a clearer outline of your income, where you’re spending the most and how you could make it work more efficiently.

In times of need, a little extra cash can go a long way. Income boosters are one of the many unique ways Steady helps our members earn more money when they need it most.

It also gives you some recommendations to improve your finances, such as opening a savings account, investing or even signing up for certain credit checks.

The tool is constantly updated, which means you will always find new ways to earn more income. In the job offers area, you can also find the opinions of employees who work at the company that caught your attention, so you can form a better judgment of what you will face, if you decide to apply.

In a few words, Steady is not just an application. It is a whole labor and financial community that will help you in the worst times or in the good times too, as long as you try to increase your income. It is free of charge.

Earning Potential

According to their website, Steady has so far –

(1) Paid $15 million dollars directly to Steady members.

(2) $4M in emergency cash grants distributed to members

(3) Their members have earned additional yearly income of $5.5K (average)


Hi, I am Nikesh Mehta, owner and writer of this site. I’m an analytics professional and also love writing on finance and related industry. I’ve done online course in Financial Markets and Investment Strategy from Indian School of Business. I can be reached at [email protected].

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