How to earn money in Covid times?

Earn Money during Covid

Unfortunately, the coronavirus still seems to have a long way to go. It is true that the advance of vaccines offers a glimmer of hope for the longer-term future. However, there are still difficult times ahead. All the signs are that there are still difficult economic times ahead. At least until mid-2021.

During this time, many people have lost their temporary jobs and even some permanent contracts. On the other hand, we must remain calm.

Some are fortunate enough to continue to work from home, but others cannot count on this opportunity.

However, there are some options to generate extra income by telecommuting. The internet offers a variety of business opportunities that can be done without leaving home.

What are the best ways to generate income during Covid?

You can earn money in many ways and there are many jobs that, nowadays, need more staff than ever.

Couriers and delivery drivers

Delivery work is one of the jobs that requires and will need the most staff during and after the pandemic passes. Confinement has meant that a large segment of the population that was still reluctant to use the Internet for shopping has learned and has already become accustomed to the convenience.

In addition, home food delivery has created jobs. It is a job in which practically anyone with a driver’s license can work, since the requirements that are usually asked are not very complicated to achieve.

Online classes

If you have a computer and internet connection then it is the time to give online classes. Students can pay you by PayPal or bank transfer. These days many people are taking up a second language. All you have to do is register on one of the platforms that serve as a link between students and teachers, such as Duolingo or Busuu.

If you are good at mathematics, you can offer your services on various platforms such as Udemy or run private classes. You can initially offer small session for free and then start charging. Students can discuss with the teacher what the objectives are and check what the student needs.

Cleaning and disinfection personnel

Cleaning and disinfection have become one of the priority tasks of virtually any business. Covid has shown the need for hygiene and it is a trend that will continue in the coming months. It is an interesting alternative to earn money.


On the other hand, this crisis has also multiplied the need for many companies and organizations to set up help, management and sales services by telephone and this is a job that in many cases can even be done by teleworking.

Freelance Work

There are many jobs that can be done with a computer and an internet connection. If you don’t have any skills for it, it is never too late to train in something that allows you to do it and that you enjoy.

Author Bio:

I am Nikesh Mehta, owner and writer of this site.

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I’m an analytics and digital marketing professional and also love writing on finance and technology industry during my spare time. I’ve done online course in Financial Markets and Investment Strategy from Indian School of Business. I can be reached at [email protected] or LinkedIn profile.

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